Differences are Fine, Discrimination is Not

Differences are Fine, Discrimination is Not

Mrs. Narayana Murthi, Infosys, Bangalore was the only female engineering student in her class in her time. When placements started in her college she found a notice from the Tata group, asking students interested in working for them in the shop floor to apply. The notice explicitly stated that female students need not apply. Angered by the discrimination, she sent a letter to Mr. J.R.D. Tata, criticizing him and his company for the bias against women. A few days later she received an interview call from the company. During the interview, she was told that girl’s weren’t preferred only because once married, they would leave the job to go and live with their husbands. Mrs. Murthi replied that, that was a 100 year old tradition which would take time to change, but however, she assured them that she wouldn’t leave her job just because another company offered her more money. She joined the job and thereafter so did many other women.
The Tata’s changed their attitude and policy but that cannot be said for the rest of India. A woman’s place is still believed to be in the Kitchen. A woman should first learn to cook, before she goes in for any career oriented education. Yes, society is changing; women for going higher education, exploring areas and careers until now completely dominated by men. Yet there is a limit put to them. If you take just the case of funding, a woman entrepreneur would find it harder to get loan or venture capital, but a male entrepreneur foot the same business, might find it easier. Our society must broaden its thinking. Indian society tends to lack confidence in its women. This altitude must also change.

However, it is also important that gender differences do not completely disappear. After all, the difference between the sexes is not always a matter to be loathed. There are a few women who have broken all barriers, they have so broken the laws of nature and disturbed its delicate balance. These are women who choose not to get married until they are settled in their career. They reach the top of the corporate ladder and then in their 30’s, get married. However when they wish to conceive they sadly find that their fertility has become low and that they cannot conceive any more. These women then declare that they would give away all their success if only they could conceive.

Then there are women who decide to remain unmarried. They feel they don’t need a man or a partner to live their life with. As for children, well there’s artificial insemination. However when such kids go to school, they realize that a family will always be pictured as one with a dad and a mom.

Gender differences are alright as long as it is not gender discrimination. Women should move forward, but not so much that they lose their feminity. As pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said ‘When a woman moves forward, the family moves forward and so does the society’, In short, empowerment of women, develops the nation.

Article by: Nidha Nayeem, St Teresa’s College


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