The time for Indian freedom was settled in consultation with astrologers. This I think is the ugliest fact of our freedom struggle. If all there had to go the star’s way. Why had people had to struggle, sacrifice their lives, get locked up in jails. It is a shame that astrologers had been consulted for such matters making the people who struggled for India’s freedom mere fools.
People still give much importance to their beliefs. Of course what is their astrology? In dictionary it is given as a pseudoscience based on the notion that the sun, moon and the stars effect human affairs and that one can foretell the future with the aid of these. And an astrologer as the one who makes their studies. Is this true? I am afraid it is not hedgiest on to more details.
Astrology was known as early as 3000 years ago. Since then it has remained static except some unavoidable charges, that too when it could not complete with modern astrology, which is a scientific study of stars and planets.
Calculations in astrology were done on the basis that the earth was the centre of the hero- scope and that the sun and other planets revolved around the sun, until Copernicus exploded this way back in 1543 A.D. He proved that it was the planets that revolved around the sun, for the survival of astrology the astrologers just substituted the sun for earth and did all the calculations unchanged. But I don’t think that the astrologers home any reason to get frightened but there facts because those who believe in astrology do not care about their details. They just believe it.
It was the Greek who gave the stars their godly powers. They named the planets by their name of gods. This included only five planets which could be seen through our naked eyes. The rest were discovered after the invention of telescope. They started predicting ones future with the help of these stars relating it to the situation where it is situated when the person is born, from the Greeks it spread all over the world.
Till now, that is 3000 years after the birth of astrology astrologers have not come to a common solution of when the time of birth should be taken. Some say the time when the head of the baby is visible out of the mother’s womb is to be taken. Yet some others that the time when the baby touches the mother earth is to be taken scientifically speaking. If the time is to be accurately taken, the time when fertilization taken place should be taken.
After deciding the time of birth the astrologers look for the signs or houses. There are twelve signs after deciding the house of the baby the astrologer predicts about the future. The signs are named after the object, animal or human being they belong. If a person is born in the sign of Leo, they give all the qualities of a lion to the baby. If in Aries they give all the qualities of a ram etc that is why people call someone ill-starred. Readymade literature is available on this and the astrologer just her to repeat it.
There we come to aspects or seeing. Through the aspect, a powerful planet may weaken the opposite planet and a good planet like Jupiter may bestow good effects and a bad planet like Saturn may weaken this.
If this is to be true, the influence or rays emanating from one planet should reach the other for example, the rays starting from venue should travel to the sun at the centre covering a distance of 67 crore miles ran the sun diameter of 8, 65,000 miles and proceed with what is left, if there any, a distance of 87.2 crore miles to reach Saturn which would be glying at a rate of 21,000 miles per hour. And that, a ray like this to reach the baby, a thing dust particle compared to, the earth I don’t think is believable.
I know there are still many of you who totally disagree with me let me narrate some incidents.
Poet and a play writer. Kolazhi Gopalakrishnan Panicker was the astrologer in the horoscope column of Express daily from Trichur. He died on January third 1983 of heart attack. He had written the horoscope of all the signs for that day also. But in no column was it written that any would die, leave alone heart attack. That was the care of an astrologer.
Mr.Micheal Jacqueline conducted a very interesting experiment on this subject. He placed an advertisement in ICC Paris in 1979 offering a free personal horoscope if details are sent. He sent one and the same horoscope for all the applicants. Ninety four percent of the people replied that the horoscope correctly resembled their personal character. The great Indian Mathematician, Miss. Sakundala Devi, known for her speed in metrical calculation is now a busy astrologer. But we hear that most of her clients are not satisfied with the results. And 94 percent people whom Mr. Michael sent were extremely satisfied. You may wonder why the reason is one was free of cash and the other collected enormous amounts from people. If she too does not collect money the same horoscope might have tallied with their future.
The astrologer are in a habit of predicting many events if it doesn’t occur they forget it, and if it happen, they make a news out of it; for example, If I predict that there would be an Indo-pak war in 1991, well that looks good and if it occur like what happened to the rabbit which accidentally got under a jack fruit. If the news get spread worldwide and people move in front of my house to know their future. If it doesn’t nobody cares.
So astrologers can be defined as some dubious people, interested in making easy money by cheating people still why do many people even the educated lot gets into this trap? Why an alliance is snapped because horoscope doesn’t tally? It is because of the people’s anxiousness to be told about their unknown future.
It is time for us to revolt against such beliefs clear thinking; control over our mind is what we need. We should strive to make our circumstances our slave and never be the slave of our circumstances we must awaken them who are still unconscious about these facts.
Article By:M.T.Sathesh,St.Albert's College


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